Roques Archipelago National Park is the most important reef
formation in
Venezuela and in the south Caribbean Sea (Ramirez 2001). About 56
species of
scleractinian corals and three milleporids have been reported for
Los Roques.
This represents almost all the coral species reported for the
country (66
scleractinian and three milleporid). Also, present in the park are
nine of the 56
species of octocorals present in Venezuela. The low density of
octocorals is
apparently explained by the deeper average depth of reefs in Los
Roques, which
does not favor the establishment of species of this family (Ramirez
Carolina Bastidas, a Marine Biology Professor at Simón Bolívar
University, told
ParksWatch that this archipelago harbors one of the highest quality
coral reefs
with respect to species diversity, area of live coverage and low
incidence of
diseases in the Caribbean Sea. The park has a large coverage of
corals from the
Acroporidae family, which have been adversely affected in the rest
of the
Caribbean region.
The marine fauna in Los Roques -characteristic of coral reefs and
seagrass beds-
includes, among other taxonomic groups, about 200 crustacean
species, 140
mollusk species, 45 echinoderm species and 60 sponge species (65% of
country's). Approximately 280 fish species, from 41 genera and 31
families, have
been catalogued. This represents 35% of the species that exist in
the country.
These fish have an important economic and nutritional value.
Snappers, including
yellow tailed snappers (Lutjanidae), and groupers (Escombridae and
are of high economic value (Gondelles 1997).
The lobster (Panulirus argus) and queen conch (Strombus gigas) are
also examples
of commercially valuable species found in Los Roques. The park
contains the
most important unexploited populations of these species in the
entire Caribbean
region (Fernández 2002). Another commercially important species is
the queen
conch, which is a very large gasteropod with a shell length of about
20 cm. Due to
the alarming rates of overexploitation of its natural populations,
in 1994 the
gasteropod was included in the International Union for the
Conservation of Nature
(IUCN) list of "Commercially Threatened Species" and in
The Red Book of
Venezuelan Fauna (Rodríguez & Rojas-Suárez 1999, AMNH 1996).
settlements in the Caribbean Sea use this species as a food resource
and raw
material for handicrafts.
Numerous migratory birds converge in Los Roques and it is a suitable
area for the
establishment of marine and pelagic bird colonies. About 92 bird
species can be
found in Los Roques, 50 of which are migratory and come from North
(Lentino, Luy & Bruni 1994). Among the most attractive birds
that nest annually in
Los Roques, are the brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis), two
bobby species (Sula
sula and S. leucogaster), the laughing gull (Larus atricilla), the
common, least, and
brindled tern (Sterna hirundo, S. antillarum, S. anaethetus), the
brown noddy (Anous
stolidus) and the lesser noddy (Anous minutus) (Bosque, Esclasans
& Pizani 2002).
Flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruber) are also present in the park. A
black colored
subspecies (Coereba flaverola lowii) of the common bananaquit is
endemic to Los
Roques. Also found in are the yellow warbler (Dendroica petechia
obscura) and the
common ground-dove (Columbina passerina tortugensis), which are
endemic to Venezuelan Caribbean Islands (Lentino, Luy & Bruni
Chicks and juveniles of Sula leucogaster in a
reproductive colony at upper Canqui island
Four species of sea turtles nest in Los Roques: the loggerhead
turtle (Caretta
caretta), the green turtle (Chelonia mydas), the leatherback turtle
coriacea), and the hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) (Guada
& Vernet 1992,
De los Llanos 2002). The first two are globally endangered (EN
A1abd), and the
last two are critically endangered (CR A1abd, CR A1abd+2bcd)
according to the
criteria used by the IUCN. The Red Book of Venezuelan Fauna
categorizes the
loggerhead as vulnerable and the other three species as endangered
& Rojas-Suaréz 1999). Los Roques is the most important nesting
place for
Eretmochelys imbricata in Venezuela (De los Llanos 2002). Other
reptiles include
the lizard Gonatodes vitattus roquensis, a subspecies endemic to the
and Cnemidophorus lemmiscatus nigricolor, a very abundant black
lizard that was
first described with a specimen from Los Roques (SCNLS 1956).
antillensis is a species endemic to leeward Caribbean islands that
has been
reported only in Bonaire, Curacao, La Orchila, Las Aves, and Los
An interesting fact about the fauna from the archipelago is that,
with the
exception of the fishing bat (Noctilio leporinus), no native land
mammals exist
(Gondelles 1997). Hence, any biological invasion poses a serious
threat to the
biological integrity of the system. With respect to marine mammals,
a recent
investigation has included Los Roques as part of the potential
distribution for six
cetaceans: Balaenoptera edeni, Megaptera novaeangliae, Delphinus
sp., Stenella
frontalis, Stenella longirostris, and Tursiops truncatus (Acevedo
Approximately 38 plant species have been reported. Four mangrove
species live
in the park: red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle), black mangrove
(Avicennia nitida),
white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa), and button-wood mangrove
erectus). Also present are various halophilic plants like the sea
(Sesuvium portulacastrum and Sporobolus pyramidatus), three cypress
(Cyperus sp.), and many shrubs that include the salt wort (Batis
maritima and
Tournefortia gnaphalodes). A specimen from Los Roques was used to
describe the
grass Setaria submacrostachya to science. The cacti Stenocereus
griseus, Melocactus
caesius, and Opuntia wentiana dominate areas that are high and
exposed to winds.
Shallow water zones with sandy bottoms are mostly dominated by
testudinum seagrass beds, a species widely distributed in the
Caribbean Sea
(SCNLS 1956, Gondelles 1997).