Roques Archipelago
is without any doubt one of the most beautiful
natural areas
With the purpose of preserving the park, the authorities have designed a series of norms after whose execution will look any roqueño, independently of its birthplace. It is need to follow them completely for not altering the delicate ecosystem of the park:
*El solar protector should be biodegradable and with a high protection factor (superior to the 15 SPF), since the incidence of the solar rays is bigger for the action of the white sand.
* Because the sand is conformed by coralline remains, it is possible to find bigger fragments able to cut the skin. To avoid it, it is preferable to use a comfortable footwear.
* In Los Roques a strict control exists on the waste that are classified according to its type: organic, paper, cans, glass and plastic. In the inns and in the public places she/he will already find papeleras classified that they will be used as it corresponds.
* The vital epithet that commonly associates with the water, in Los Roques
she/he has much more weight. This fluid is administered with a lot of rigor, mainly in those establishments that don't still have its own plant desalinizadora. And although the toilets work with salted water, it is need to not throw such waste as paper or hygienic towels in them, since they don't have a system of pipes like the one that is in the city but of septic wells.
* It uses the established paths to walk and don't light bonfires.
* Lobster should not be bought in time of prohibited and I lower any concept to accept turtles or botuto, all time that you/they are protected species that they are in prohibited permanent.
* To camp or to navigate it is necessary to obtain a special permission of Inparques, in the first case, and also of the rest of the existent authorities in the park, in the second case. This step can be carried out in the Asleep offices of the Great one. Also, permanent communication exists for the channel 16 of VHF through which instructions can be requested in this respect once you arrives at the park for via marine.
* Because the submarine ecosystem is very fragile, the most convenient thing is to not play the species that are appreciated in him. With the same end, it is necessary to avoid the use of harpoons or to throw solid waste to the sea. And neither it should be taken out of the archipelago any type of natural memory, as snails, remains of corals, stones, plants or animals.
For areas
Due to their great biological wealth and to their declaration like national park, an effective zonificación that determines the allowed activities exists. This way, the law aids the fragile natural resources of the area:
* Recreation area: it is the area of the services and where, as their name it indicates it, she/he allows to be carried out activities with such recreational ends as ski, velerismo and sailing, among others.
* Area of managed natural atmosphere: in this area walks can be made in boat, to navigate to candle or motor for the signal routes, to practice the sport fishing and to carry out education activities, investigation and passive recreation, always with the permission and the corresponding authorization.
* Marine primitive area: besides the limited educational activities to the observation, in this area recreation activities and limited tourism can be made, natural tourism, submarinismo with autonomous team and observation of the nature in groups not bigger than 15 people.
* Area of integral protection: this alone area can be visited with ends of environmental nursery or scientific investigation and it is completely restricted the access.
* Area of special use: here the marine biological station Two Mosquises is located where such investigation programs are developed as the breeding and controlled reproduction of marine turtles. This area can visit one another with a special authorization of Inparques.